What for?

Take a look at the following infographic by Statista using data from the International Monetary Fund.

The world body predicts that Indonesia will enter the top 10 list of the world’s biggest economies in 2024. It is an amazing feat because Indonesia was not on the 1992 and 2008 lists.

Indeed, what happened after 2008 that accelerated Indonesia’s economic growth, to surpass Russia, Germany, Brazil, the UK, and France?

I do not know myself. But I think that every capable Indonesian should strive to contribute to making the prediction come true. iCoachChannel is our two cents.

Where to contribute?

Take a look at the following research on an indicator of national education that caught our attention.

Many published books have an ISBN and it is a useful measure of how productive a country’s publishing industry is. However, this data is not collected for all countries, eg France. In this list, Indonesia ranked 15, with over 300 ISBN per million people.

Another list shows Indonesia ranking 5th with over 135,000 titles published or almost 500 titles per million people.

Eureka! We discovered where to channel our passion to contribute to Indonesia’s socio-economic development in the 21st century.

Our Goal

The goal of iCoachChannel is to engage 38,000 Bahasa Indonesia iCoaches by 2045. We will work hard to encourage 17,000 of them to become productive authors, a vast majority of whom will be doing it for the first time. It is an audacious goal. But we can truly start impacting economic growth and resiliency for over 270 million Indonesians only when we are halfway there.

Wisdom Marketplace

We are building iCoachChannel as a marketplace of wisdom for serious iLearners and passionate iCoaches.

Wisdom is a body of knowledge and experience that helps you understand a situation, analyze a complication, consider your choices, decide to do the right thing and do it in the right way. Knowledge and experience converge to become skills for business and life in the iCoachChannel.


iCoachChannel is a growth experience platform for iCoaches to share wisdom and thereby touch the lives of serious iLearners on their shared passion topics. It is available for free on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store.

Passion Topics

Passion topics make your heart sing. iCoachChannel uses them to match iLearners and iCoaches.

We will launch in July 2022 with three Passion Areas.

  • Leadership and Management
    12 business functions
  • Business, Industry, and Ecosystem
    12 business sectors
  • Life Skills and Hobbies
    11 skills and 1 hobby

This initial list comes as a result of an earlier survey of the medium’s target population of iCoaches and iLearners. Sub-topics are hash-tagged.

Our list reflects a bias toward integrating versus balancing work and life. So a hobby can be a serious learning topic. Take photography as an example. We have iCoach Ajar Setiadi, a global platinum awardee to share his wisdom on the topic.

The list will grow and adjust to the supply and demand for wisdom expected from users of the platform.


After they sign up, the first step that iLearners make is to choose their iCoaches, the right partners for their journey of growth on iCoachChannel. They will have a chance to review iShare posts of three selected iCoaches free for 30 daysiNews posts are always free. After the trial, when they choose to subscribe to iShare posts of a particular iCoach, an iLearner becomes a fiLearner (fan iLearner). fiLearners are given various rewards in the iCoachChannel.

Experience is the most expensive teacher—learning from the experience of others is the least.


There are three groups of iCoaches.

  • iCoach
    shares their valuable knowledge and experience on a passion topic
  • diCoach
    distinguished for one of three reasons: professional teacher or lecturer, or certified coach (we recognize you); published author; feeds at least 1,000 fan iLearners
  • hiCoach
    honorary iCoaches who lend the prestige of their office or societal accomplishment to the iCoachChannel

As sharers of wisdom, iCoaches are neither employees nor agents of iCoach Channel. They are collaborators in an ecosystem.

iCoaches share wisdom in the form of Learning Events and resources and choose to do so for a fee or 100% pro bono, at the full discretion of the iCoach, depending on their respective personal objectives and circumstances. Government taxes shall be applied as required by law. Revenue-sharing and quality assurance arrangements are thereafter reached between iCoachChannel and iCoaches on individually determined terms and conditions.

Proprietary Content

Indonesia became the 100th member of the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2018. iCoachChannel is proud to comply with the country’s terms of accession to the Madrid Protocol.

Content posted by iCoaches is protected by copyright conventions. iCoaches are expected to have an ownership or designated rights to use intellectual property for materials that they use to deliver wisdom. Sources of content for learning materials will be identified whenever appropriate.

Proprietary learning materials delivered on iCoachChannel may be re-used for commercial purposes, IF AND ONLY IF there is written permission from the owner of the intellectual property.

iLearners who have obtained learning content in any form—reading, listening, or video— whether for free or for a fee, may use and re-use learning materials for their personal development.

iCoachChannel has applied for a patent on the algorithm used for its feed structure that effectively dissolves information overload for the serious iLearner.

The number of social media users in Indonesia was equivalent to 61.8% of the total population in January 2021.

Eighty-seven percent of Indonesia’s internet users are on WhatsApp. Users join fifty to sixty such groups on average. Our survey showed that members forsake even opening to read messages on a vast majority of the groups, but refuse to leave for fear of offending its members, especially the member who invited them. Not more than 5% are active.

Few are interested, and many are annoyed by posts that have lost relevance to them, eg holiday pictures, meals, exercise, webinar announcements, and the like.

In their iShare feed, fiLearners will only receive everlasting wisdom posts via subscription from their favorite iCoaches. Goodbye, information overload!

Your Passion Planet

The wisdom marketplace is ready. We started onboarding iCoaches on 1 March 2022. We have registered 104 passionate iCoaches by the end of April. We are on our way to a target of 250 iCoaches by the end of May, latest by June. Our soft launch is scheduled for June. We will introduce the platform to iLearners en masse starting in June, latest by July, targeting 100,000 by the year’s end.

The platform already operates the following features before the soft launch.

  • iShare
    fan iLearners control the content of everlasting wisdom posted only by their favorite iCoaches, by subscription
  • iCoach
    lists all the iCoaches, by passion topic, including a dedicated page with relevant information for a prospective fan iLearner and services offered
  • iGrow
    learning management system available for use by Corporate Universities, Training Companies, and Coaching Businesses, for their online training needs
  • iNews
    allows iLearners and iCoaches alike to post information still relevant to passion topics, free to all iLearners, including announcements of a current nature, promotional information, and advertisements.

In the next release, iCoachChannel will feature iShareHuddle, a virtual room for iCoaches and iLearners to hold meetings, and iStore, a place to buy and sell relevant merchandise and services for users of the iCoachChannel.

Social Mission

While contributing to the national education of Indonesia’s vast population using the power of digital technology, we have identified a contribution that is not less valuable in the long term: heeding the call for pluralism embedded as one of the pillars of Indonesia’s ideology, Pancasila, and working to influence the level of tolerance in society through our core values.

Three core values will guide iCoachChannel in building and growing the digital platform. iCoaches and iLearners will be engaged to understand their importance and practice them with fervor.

Intellectual diversity
Expect one another to be unique individuals with our respective self-concepts, objectives, obligations, sentiments, ideals, and experiences.

Intellectual curiosity
Expect that value can be gained from learning what each one of us knows and perceives about the matter under discussion.

Intellectual humility
Willingly express and be open to each other’s ideas, being fully aware that no one has a monopoly on the best ideas.

Volunteer Army

I started conceiving the idea of iCoachChannel in 2017. The elements then were not as crystal clear as they are now. The process of conception matured until right before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mandated social distancing accelerated the last piece of the puzzle: widespread use of online media for study, discussion, and demonstration.

But the unexpected “gift” of getting people to accept online learning as a viable alternative for cognitive and affective learning also delivered a fatal blow to my in-person consulting and training business at AndrewTani & Co. We have since shifted the operating model for our management consulting and training to 100% online.

Without the money that we needed to continue building our digital platform, I thought it was the end of the journey for our mission and the iCoachChannel.

But one miracle after another has brought iCoachChannel to where it is now. The miracles I just referred to are the people with whom I am working now. Domi Andrey, Dewi Maya Kusuma, Venny Christyani, Abdul Aziz Efendy, Murinata Tanaka, Budi Pranata, Kharis, and Riez are pitching in important pieces of the puzzle. They perform various roles and do them out of the passion that we share to make a difference. Our shared passion to build the wisdom marketplace has brought us together.

If what I described here resonates with you, please contact us. If you can be as passionate about building the wisdom marketplace and are willing to help us in any way, call any one of us. There are vacancies. Willing to invest? Hop in. We’ll show you how together we can help people share wisdom, and touch lives.

by iCoachAndrew

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